
Let's Get Organized Challenge

Looking back on the #LGO2022 Let's Get Organized Challenge, I have to say I am just thrilled with how the collab and challenge went!  I was so happy to see how many people were decluttering and organizing their crafty spaces!  So many people commented on the videos, saying things like, Thank you, this was just what I needed, and thank you for the push to get me started on cleaning up my crafty space! 



Deb Wynglass - Labeled tubs 


This was just what I was hoping for.  I figured, I wasn't the only one who was left with a disaster after all of the holiday crafting.  I also hoped that once the month was over, our craft spaces would once again be a place that excited us and that we wanted to spend time in again!


Marlene Pigeon- Craft desk, and Die Cut Organization


I truly enjoyed seeing all the progress pictures throughout the month!  It was also wonderful to see so many people offering words of encouragement!  


Mary Smith- Desk / Dresser Organization


I also enjoyed seeing all of the collaborators videos!  It was so fun to peak into others crafty spaces.  The organization ideas were also incredible!  I am definitely going to use the 5's system to clean my closet and a few other areas of the house.  (they might wait until March, lol ) 


Kacy Warner- Drawer Organization


 If you missed the challenge, don't worry!  All of the videos are uploaded on Youtube.  I will post my introductory video in the blog so you can check it out.  In the description of the video you will find the schedule for the month of videos! 




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